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Colossians 1:21 states, And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled.

We should never underestimate the power our thoughts can have on our perspective in life and directions we take. We all know our baggage, the stuff we carry around with us from day to day which affect our lives, relationships and establishes limitations on how we view the world. Baggage - tangible or intangible reminders of where we've been, what we've done, and how we measured up. We may, from time to time, find ourselves rummaging through these archives, living in historic moments. The result is typically a reinforced sense of guilt, shame, and inferiority that we bring with us into the present, coloring our future choices and plans. Then we wonder why we are stuck.

This verse reminds me that Jesus Christ can make us free from our baggage, from the mistakes and sins of our past because there is no amount of anger, regret, or embarassment that can prevent God from loving us. And just as the Bible says, when we confess our sins He forgives us and doesn't remember them against us. That same action cannot be said about the way we remember ourselves. We may find forgiveness in Christ but do we forgive ourselves? Do we truly believe that the effort Christ provided by dying for our sins is enough to redeem us from the emotional damage from our sins, or must we continue to beat ourselves up and think of ourselves as unworthy of His love? We must learn to forgive ourselves and embrace the clean slate that Christ gives us. It is one of the greatest challenges in Christian living, overcoming the uncanny ability to doubt God's desire for reconciliation. 

We no longer have to be alienated from the peace, love, and joy that only Christ can bring. Avoid allowing any lingering memories confuse you or cause you to doubt in the new life and purpose Christ has created for you. Let God reconcile you, elevate you back to a relationship with Him that is without fear or resentment. Christ can make you whole, if you'll let Him.