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While reading in Genesis 2:15, the Lord God put man in the garden to tend and watch over it. In this second chapter of Genesis, Adam the first man, named the animals and was given free range of the whole garden. He could eat from every tree but one and it happened to sit right in the middle of the garden. That's right, it was glaring in the middle of the garden, not hidden off to the side, in plain sight. Even sitting in such an obvious place, Adam was not curious about it because he was so satisfied with the relationship he had with God his Father, daily enjoying His goodness, love, and presence.

As I read this I am struck by how wonderful it must have been to live without evil thoughts - in that moment, Adam was innocent!! His thoughts before eating of the tree of evil and good were only pure. Wow! Take a moment to let that thought sink in. Imagine how that would feel. It's really more than what my mind can comprehend.

The constant influence of evil and hate in the world does its best to numb our hearts to goodness and truth, we question it and say things like "it's too good to be true". But Adam was immersed and surrounded by goodness and mercy every day.

We now have to intentionally choose our thoughts, what we dwell on. But thank God for the second Adam, JESUS CHRIST, who brought the gift of purity to our thoughts. He cleanses our conscience and wraps us in His goodness and love.

Most of the time I forget what I was like before Christ came into my life - that's how effective His truth is. When I am reminded of the old me I say, "What! I did that". He really does have the ability to make us new. In the Bible, the apostle Paul said to "think on these things: whatsoever is lovely, pure, and of a good report. Think on those things".

We are bombarded daily with choices, good or evil. Our challenge is to apply the wisdom of Paul and think on good things. Choose to focus on praising our Savior throughout the day, having worthy thoughts. Avoid letting our thoughts dwell on the evil or the hate that is so easily accessible, I know right now it is hard.

Remember family, in Heaven we will get to experience what Adam did, when he walked with God in the cool of the morning without a care or worry. The battle will be over and we will know what it is like to live without the pull of evil before our God and Father. Amen.

by Robin Cheatham