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Genesis and Exodus are a testament to God remembering his people and keeping his promises. You see verse after verse saying things like:

  • "But God remembered Noah" Genesis 8:1,
  • "And the Lord did to Sarah as He Had promised" Genesis 21:1,
  • "God remembered Abraham" Genesis 19:29,
  • "Then God remembered Rachel" Genesis 30:22,
  • "And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob" Exodus 2:24.

When God promises something, Genesis and Exodus show us that He'll honor what He says. The hard part then, during Bible times, and the hard part now, in our modern time,  is waiting for that breakthrough. During this period of waiting, doubts and fears come in. This is when God's people question whether or not they heard God right or question whether or not He will do what He says, Sarah was ninety years old when she got pregnant- NINETY, talk about a long wait! Noah was in the ark more than 5 months after it stopped raining. The Israelites were in Egypt 430 years before Moses lead them on their journey to the land that God had promised to Abraham's descendants (Exodus 12:40). If God promises you something, your breakthrough is coming whether it's months, years or decades. One day when the promise is fulfilled you'll hear those words "and God remembered..."